Home Care Instructions: Acute Low Back Pain, Beckenham & Sevenoaks Chiropractic Clinics

Advice for Low Back Pain


Are you struggling with back pain? Or is someone you know? If so, you probably know that there is a huge amount of conflicting advice online for what you should or should not do.

Because of this, we have put together the following information sheet for people with back pain. It’s designed so that no matter what the cause of your pain is, none of the advice will aggravate the problem, and the vast majority of sufferers will find some relief from some of the steps.

Please be aware, back pain comes in many different forms, and each one will benefit from a specific approach.

This is why the advice available on the internet is so varied and often conflicting – it depends on each case. As such, we would always recommend seeing a chiropractor or other healthcare professional if you have back pain. If you are concerned about your pain, we offer Free Spine Checks at both the Sevenoaks and Beckenham Chiropractic clinics. So do feel free to give us a call if you would like some help.

But in the meantime, you can find our advice


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